How does it all work?
The benefits of using goats for brush clearing and vegetation management
Goats can access difficult terrain where other equipment cannot
What is left after the goats is natural fertilizer and plant material (canes) to decompose
Goats cause minimal disruption of top soil, but do pack it down a bit, especially great for banks, slopes
Perfect for sensitive areas such as wetlands & water retention ponds, or where city regulations require a green solution
Goats reduce fire hazards by clearing brush ladders
Using goats is a “green” solution – what’s left post-goats is manageable without using pesticides
Goats are a cost effective solution that doesn’t require debris hauling in most cases
Our goats provide entertainment for family and the whole community
Chewing blackberries is much quieter than using heavy machinery
Each job is unique, but there are a few things in common
Hungry goats, ready to work
A secure, portable electric fence setup that keeps goats in and predators out
Daily care and check in on the goats - water, shelter, supplements
Manual labor to assist the goats in completely the project, especially access to taller brush
Delivery, set up and return home
Typical customers & projects
Homeowners – help I have poison oak! Help my blackberries are out of control!
New homeowners – we just bought this place and need to find out what’s beneath all that!
Homeowners & realtors getting ready to sell – Yikes! I need to do something about the blackberries and ivy!
Landowners – I want to sell this piece of property and I need the buyers to be able to see it!
Those with a wildfire risk – how can we reduce the understory of our forest and overall property to reduce our fire risk?
City governments – we are going green and want an environmentally friendly solution for all of our community spaces.
Parks – we are thinking long term, goats means no chemicals, and healthier habitats and parks for future generations.
School districts – who wants to be known for spraying chemicals around our kids?
Commercial businesses – we’re looking for a low cost way to maintain our swales, natural areas, and want to known for our contribution to a greener world!
How much will it cost?
Each job is unique and based on a site visit, followed up by a written quote over email.
The cost drivers in priority order that go into providing a quote are:
How much plant material is there to be eaten by goats, this directly effects how many days the job will take.
Difficulty of and how many unique fence set ups will be needed. Larger or odd shaped areas may require more than one fence set up.
Amount of manual labor that will be required in addition to what the goats do, height of blackberries for example. We have seen them 30 ft up into the trees!
Agreement on what the finished project will look like – does the customer want all brush cut down to ground level and canes chopped into small pieces, or are they interested in a less finished final result
Hazard management –busy roads, toxic plants
Travel distance from Gaston, OR, especially outside of the Portland + suburb area
Note – our services do not include any removal of brush or garbage.
Our smallest jobs, we call them our weekend jobs, an overgrown backyard for example, are typically 2-3 days and can be done with 4-6 goats
Jobs that are in larger in size that take over 4 days and a full team of 15-25 goats
Pricing depends on total area, amount of brush to be eaten, difficulty in setting up the fencing and additional manual (Linda) labor required for customer satisfaction.
How to get started?
Fill out the contact form on this website
Call and leave us a message on our business line – 541-947-3185 (or text/call Linda's cell - 503dash382dash7406)
We typically get back to you within 2 business days. If you email us or fill out the contact form, please keep an eye on your junk/spam folder.